Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Power Partnership

My friend Radhika and I wear identical shoes. The only differences are in size (I’m an 11 and she’s somewhere close to half of that I think) and in colour (her are grey and mine green). But the large POWER logo on the front strap really stands out and when we put our feet together to display it to unwitting strangers it looks really cool.

It was a complete coincidence, one day, about a year ago; we suddenly noticed we wore the same shoes. It was the nice and right kind of weird. It felt like the perfect testimony to our friendship, the kind where we don’t have to talk to each every minute that we’re next to each other but still knowing that we’re around for each other even though we’ve never let on as much aloud. The shoes are just one of many things that go unsaid between us.

And now, that’s under threat.

Each day that goes by without fresh punishment being inflicted on my pair is a miracle. The side straps are frayed and hanging on by a few threads. The bottom is slowly peeling apart and every step I take is carefully measured and taken with extra precaution. I’ve been looking for a replacement for three days now and so far it looks like no one sells this model now. Also, no one seems to stock anything larger than a size ten these days, but that’s beside the point. I could easily buy one of those new Sparx shoes (as I clearly need to) but then the magic of it all will have died. It will no longer be one of many things that Radhika and I share. It would sadden the heart if it happened and I’d hate wearing them. If I do find what I need, i don’t care what size it comes in, just as long as the POWER PARTNERSHIP doesn’t die.

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